Sunday, February 18, 2007

Good morning, all! Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Now that Andrew is more awake, we are busy all of the time with him. He throws his legs over the side of the bed and pulls out the vent when no one is looking. Very scary, but supposedly good signs, they tell me. His youthful friends will appreciate the movie David finally found that has kept his full attention, Princess Mononoke? "Chinese cartoons" his nurse calls it.

My sister Anne is here for the weekend, and it's a great help, especially since someone needs to be with him all day. He has indicated to us that he remembers his college major, his job, numerous friends' faces and about 8 emotions, especially frustration. Leigh's friend Kym has given us numerous helpful suggestions for how to give him ways to convey his wants.Communication continues to be difficult, and we're trying a sensitive mouse today with the computer. Our pattern of health and awareness seems to be a good day, a bad day and a couple of neutral days. So, you can see the speed of progress.

Please pray that he will be weaned off of the vent. That is still our #1 holdback as far as communication, strength and mobility, I believe. Pray for Baby ? and Emily who has 165 days until her due date. Also, pray for Baby Boy and Sarah who has just over 60 days to her due date. Yesterday, she had a short-lived attack but was able to control it at home. I'm very thankful for your concern and prayers.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So good to hear that Andrew is making progress. Tell him Glyn & Gladys Miller are thinking of him and praying for him every day.
We are also praying for Mom & Dad too as we know they are stressed to the max.
Gladys Miller